The French-German TV dedicated to art and culture in Europe featured a 5 min video of United Colors of Dissent part of their Connecting Cities coverage.
PubNub features United Colors of Dissent
Today, PubNub, our real-time technology partner, has featured United Colors of Dissent (UCoD) in their blog. Thanks to Joe Hanson for the nice write up. Mahir M. Yavuz and I are currently working on a new version of UCoD and will feature it in Zaragoza, Spain in October 2014.
Making_Life at Biofilia
I participated and taught during the "Making_Life" workshop (May 21-28) at Biofilia, Aalto University organized by the Finnish Society of Bioart.
From Gizmodo's Home of the Future show
Thanks to Adam Clark Estes for the nice write-up and Geoff Manaugh for inviting us to the show.
Gizmodo's Home of the Future
I am participating in Gizmodo's Home of the Future exhibition (June 17-21) with two new pieces developed in collaboration with Matt Neff.